Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This Week in the Compass

20 New Makeups, Two New Skin Tones & Five New Basic Options! - Twenty beautiful makeups, in 8 skin tones for best possible match for YOU! Everything from a dark tan, suitable from every avatar, to a rich dark Maple that just conjures the Nubian Queen.
With new default hairbase options and plump, yummy boobs, our packages are some of the best value for money you can find in Second Life.
Our sim is one of the most unique sims devoted to ethnic avatars in SL. We provide not only some of the finest ethnic skins for men and women in Second Life but we've created a a lush upscale environment in which to shop, live, hang out with friends, and enjoy your Second Life. We also boast one of the densest concentrations of high-quality ethnic designers and fashion in SL. This is not your typical urban mall. Looking for elegance class and quality? Walk through the sim! A pleasure to the senses and eyes--you won't regret your stroll.
Join us at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kiko%20Life/209/108/1505
African Masquerade, Second-Life style!!!

Professional Tarot Readings by Feresight
The road is never closed. Tarot can help you find your way through the confusion!
Real-life reader, real-life cards.
Direction, focus, decision.
Professional results at a fraction of the RL cost!
500L or your goodwill payment. If not satisfied, do not pay.
IM Feretian String inworld
African Medicine
African Naming Ceremonies
African Weddings
Shrine Work
Compelling Magic
Orisha store coming soon!
IM Oliha Yiwama for a consultation. Reasonable rates.

Ms. Sy has injected humor as well as beauty into her designs, possibly because she comes from theatrical roots--parlaying them into the foundation of the Daka

Her designs sometimes inject matting, or small calabash gourds, or other items not usually combined with clothing, including masks and musical instruments.

Sy's inventiveness and theatricality remind me of her age-mate Julie Taymore, the director and costumier who shaped Broadway's Lion King, as well as the films Titus, Frida, and the upcoming Spiderman, the Musical. With Sy's involvement in projects in pa

Single ad, no photo, one week. maximum 5 Blogger lines: 50L
Single ad, photo, one week. Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 100L
Single ad recurring, no photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 175L
Single ad recurring, photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 325L
Single ad changing week-to-week, no photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines. 180L
Single ad changing week-to-week, photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines. 425L
If you want longer text, more than one photo, or a longer ad run, prices will be adjusted. Contact Tamsin Barzane through inworld notecard or at tbarzane@gmail.com
These are introductory prices--no telling if they'll last more than a month! Get em while you can! This is our FIFTEENTH ISSUE, and we're up to 1290 readers! Our readers come from all over the world. WE GROW DAILY!!

Drums are a universal symbol of Africa. Even the youngest of children associate drums with Africa, as well as they should. Africa has a variety of drums. They can often mimic the languages of many ethnic groups, if the language is tonal.
Nowhere else is this more evident than in Nigeria. In traditional Nigerian groups, drums are played in a ensemble. The ensemble is arranged around the concept of the family: there is a mama drum, a papa drum and a baby drum. The mama drum is usually the biggest drum and has the deepest tone. The papa drum has a higher tone than the mama drum, but is lower than the baby drum, which has the highest of the tones. Each drum is regulated to a particular rhythym, and the entire ensemble is played in a call-and-response manner.
Similar to real life, the mama drum makes the call to the papa and baby drums, and the they must respond to the mama drum with the appropriate rhytym.
The call and response method evolved into many aspects of drumming. One of the most prominent examples is that of Yoruba drumming. Yoruba drumming can be categorized as sacred and secular, for the sake of convenience. However, even in the latter, the feeling of sacred is always lurking in the background.
In Yoruba Orisa worship, the drums are played to invoke different deities. Sacred rhythyms are played to invoke the Orisa on a certain frequency or energy field. It is believed that each Orisa has his or hers own frequency. Once the drummers have reached that energy field through music, the Orisa is brought down to the congregation of worshippers through trance possession. The person possessed then becomes the vehicle of the Orisa. The Orisa speaks of predictions for many of the initiates, while the rhythymic drums are playing.
One of the reasons that drummers are held in such high regard is for that ability. Yoruba drummers usually accomplish this task through the sacred bata drums. The bata drums are played in threes and consist of the iya, baba, and omo drums. The head drummer is called the Olubata, and plays the Iya drum that calls out to the other family members. Through these drums, additional worshipping is accomplished through dancing and singing.
In Africa, drummers are held in high regard for the many services they provide. From sacred to secular situations, drummers provide inspiration. Drummers call the many deities to the initiates, provide announcements and provide entertainment.
Saminaka will be holding an African Festival from Oct 1-4 and will include music that will heavily emphasize drumming. Saminaka wil also provide drumming circles in the near future for those who wish to experience the African drum and participate in a virtual world.

Read the blog at http://www.fatimaochl.net/, get an introductory copy of OCHL's GUIDE TO MUSIC AND DANCE IN SL at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Deminis/133/206/30


WETIN BE DAT? Pidgin English phrase of the week
That girl is pretty, but she has a flat rump.
Nigerians often curl a fish and peg it in that position in order to smoke it dry; they are here referring to training children.
THIS WEEK IN SAMINAKA--Sept. 22-28, 2009

This week we will each be taking individual directions with the prompt "Africa" Come join us!