And so I did! But I must say that the next few HOURS were fraught with molasses-like movement, numerous crashes, and mounting irritation as rezzing took forever. Of course, many skin vendors are heavily scripted, so buyers have their choice of shades or, for the men, beard and moustache variations. And the builders tried. Their incredibly boring grey barracks were intended to keep texture-loading to as much of a minimum as possible. But I missed the Candyland fun of the Hair Fair!
I was a responsible visitor, shedding my flexiskirt, shoes and prim hair to keep my ARC down--not even an AO. But of course I had no fabulosity thus, and skulked about, hoping not to see any familiar faces. Thank god for the camera and its ability to pry up the street and in the door! I stood still and explored as much as I could from a statue-like position. One bold visitor shouted, "Hey! Who took a picture?" Why, me! I'm a reporter, not a content thief! And my readers want to see what's up!

Also relatively few fantasy style skins--only a few Gothic ones, and a little sprinkle of runny mascara or arabesqued skin doodads. Some of the darker skins fell prey to most of the pitfalls of white makers--they just brown up their white skins, without understanding the range of undertones and highlights that keep brown skins from looking flat.

Shapes? Most model thin, a few curves, but again, people forget how much the shape makes the skin--more variety in facial features would be nice. In my snapping frenzy, I took photos of what I thought were good examples in the "ethnic" lines, and bulked up on demos of shapes so I could play and see how my skin looks with different features--just an experiment, mind!

Okay, some observations. To my understanding, Adam & Eve have been around for a long time, and their understanding of skins and shapes shows. I was drooling over Tiberius as if he were in a plexiglass booth, tempting me to...umm...smile at him! Both shape and skin were for sale (though separately); I've always thought that's a sensible approach. Some nice women's skins here, too.

MAD Designs was another winner, particularly good at capturing a haughty expression that could outstare clumsy gents. The skins had the 3D quality and glow that comes from truly understanding color theory in a painting class--not just a quick Photoshop tutorial.
Some great Asian skins at [42], which also had a delicate quality to its displays. I enjoy the
mood some good designers' ads

establishing a brand with their photography style.

Body Doubles had some great African American skins sprinkled amongst those of the paler nation, and they were done with flair--no mere brown Barbie dolls here! Nor was their "Congo" just a tanned Ken--he was "shape specific" as they termed it, and his nose and lips reminded me of the delectable Avon on "The Wire"--I was ready to tell Tiberius to get asteppin'!
Mannequin also had some lovely women's shapes, as did Damian.

In short, it was all worth seeing. But
could the same effect have been had with less wear and tear if the sim had been a sort of 3D blog rather than temporary stores with scripting? I would have loved to roam through, and if I were a serious skin fiend, pick up LMs and a catalogue, or tp back and forth to the stores. Seeing the images would act as the lure, more vendors could participate, perhaps, and the whole experience would lack the frustrations produced by excessive laaaaaaaaaaag.

But do go. You'll enjoy it! There are far more vendors than I mention here, but I hope I kept my Compass readers' interests at heart as I selected the places noted here.
As for me, I'll be in Kiko butterscotch till my sell-by date, and then some!