Our readership keeps growing! This week it's 1600. Take advantage of our low rates and readers who love quality merchandise, and advertise with us.All ad payments are in-world and in lindens. Ads for the coming week should be submitted by noon SLT Saturday (in a pinch, we'll take them later).Single ad, no photo, one week. maximum 5 Blogger lines: 50LSingle ad, photo, one week. Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 100LSingle ad recurring, no photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 175LSingle ad recurring, photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines: 325LSingle ad changing week-to-week, no photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines. 180LSingle ad changing week-to-week, photo, one month (4 issues). Text maximum 5 Blogger lines. 425LIf you want longer text, more than one photo, or a longer ad run, prices will be adjusted. Contact Tamsin Barzane through inworld notecard or at tbarzane@gmail.com
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