20 New Makeups, Two New Skin Tones & Five New Basic Options! - Twenty beautiful makeups, in 8 skin tones for best possible match for YOU! Everything from a dark tan, suitable from every avatar, to a rich dark Maple that just conjures the Nubian Queen.
With new default hairbase options and plump, yummy boobs, our packages are some of the best value for money you can find in Second Life.
Our sim is one of the most unique sims devoted to ethnic avatars in SL. We provide not only some of the finest ethnic skins for men and women in Second Life but we've created a a lush upscale environment in which to shop, live, hang out with friends, and enjoy your Second Life. We also boast one of the densest concentrations of high-quality ethnic designers and fashion in SL. This is not your typical urban mall. Looking for elegance class and quality? Walk through the sim! A pleasure to the senses and eyes--you won't regret your stroll.
CALLING ALL AFRICAN MERCHANTS! Saminaka will be holding SL’s first African Festival from the evening of Oct. 1 through Oct. 4. Its many events will include appearances by masqueraders, stiltwalkers and acrobats, as well as a decorated canoe regatta, a durbar with a display of finely attired horses, an African fashion show, two djed parties, a live musical performance, cultural lectures, readings, displays about Nupe culture, the horse in Africa, and Nigerian plants, a sim-wide treasure hunt and more! During our last treasure hunt, our numbers were in the thousands. And what’s a festival without a special festival market? The big boat is coming down, and in its place we will have festival stalls, ready for stocking with African merchandise. Do you sell African clothes? Jewelry? Drums? Hair? Skins? Come and take a booth and sit back for a willing audience of strollers! Our prices are low because we really want your participation to add to the atmosphere: 125L a day for 25 prims worth of display, or 300L for the three and a half day period. Contact Tamsin Barzane for details; there will be a limited number of spots available.
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